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This is Exactly What I Mean to Say
just because You know I know how to say what i mean


The name is Abilla. Call me Abil. similar to boy's name but I'm not and neither could I be that. I'm in love with Marc Jacob, Dior and H&M. And, abit of Calvin Klein. They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are. I'm a die-hard fan of White, Shocking Pink and Black. Not much of Yellow. Sketch Book and Pencil are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

More Than Words

"There must be something more, do we know what we're fighting for?"-Secondhand Serenade

"You know there's always more than one way to say exactly what you mean to say"-Fastball

"A war between the vanities, but all I see is You and Me"-OneRepublic

"One must work and dare if one really wants to live"-Van Gogh

"Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it"-Rumi


Did I hear someone said...

Unlimited Connection
Cinema: Watch Lovely Bones
Part-time Designer Assistant Job
That Nikon DSLR Cam




if you could find my past.. would you come?

Oktober 2008
November 2008
Desember 2008
Oktober 2009
November 2009
Januari 2010
Februari 2010
Juni 2010

Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

yeaaay.. i've edit OUR photo,
decorated with real polaroid frames.

Image hosted at Pimp-My-Profile.com

how does it look??

♥our lips must always be sealed

ayayayayyyy !!!
last night i had a pretty poor fight with Iyonk.
it spent many time and litres of my tears.
then i got a little vertigo, my head spinning arround,
the cold air freezing up all over my body..
dunno why n how.. until i slept down under my blanket.
and when i woke up in early morning, i got another problem with my stomach.
well, well.. my maagh !
so i didn't go to school..
what a borring day!

can anybody show me the way to avoid suiciding ?
ayayayyy! life's sucks!

*PS : TheUsed/Sick Heart + TheUsed/Tunnel .
love these songs!

♥our lips must always be sealed

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

yep yep, i got it !
the song's title is Ingin Hilang Ingatan,
from Rocket Rockers.

mmmm, i love the album cover ! :)
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♥our lips must always be sealed

yesterday morning on the way to school,
i heard a pretty-catchy song.
actually i heard it twice,
i heard this song in 99ers Bandung for the first time.
but i have no idea about the song title and the singer until now.
this song use Bahasa, and the singer is a men.
a piece of my memory, here is the reff of the song :

kau hadirkan ingatan yang selama ini ku lupakan,
dan ku hapuskan adanya..

kau hadirkan ingatan yang selama ini ku lupakan,
dan ku hapuskan adanya..

hmm, known from the lyrics, this song is a broken-hearted song, right?
(off course, i won't say that this is a children song)
and it's use some emo-melodic touch.

*this song WANTED !*

♥our lips must always be sealed

yeayeayea ! i think i've got JEALOUSYNDROM (the word i use to say hyper-level-of-jealousy) today.. mmm, maybe for days ago until now.
i don't know how to explain the feelings
am i wrong if i keep this feelings inside?? coz i can't express it..
but it'll kill my self slowly.. LOL ..
dunno how to speak it up..
arrrhh! i have no idea!!

anyway, i got one kiss from AKMARCOH and gave some kisses to another girls in my class !
aaaarrrgghh ! such a yaiks*kiss , right..
i and my friends were so crazy !
we played 'JURTANG' game (no boys there), and here are the rules :
1. one player that hitted by the spinning pencil (we call it with the victim) have to do the punishment
2. and the rest make a silly punishment
i'm so sorry about Kuntot.. she's the first victim, and she got the hottest punishment!
she had to kiss Anjeng. ayayayayaaiiiks..
they look like a dumb.. :O !!
Thanks God, i was never be the victim. AHAHAY !

YEP ! tomorrow PanAh will watch another horror movies !
can't wait for tomorrow!

*request field : Kuntum's Photo*
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♥our lips must always be sealed

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

weeew, akhir2x ni anak PANAH lagi pada doyan nonton.
jadi gw terkena imbas nya juga.
dari pas kmaren doyan nonton TV (baca post pertama),
sekarang naik 1 level ke nonton DVD.
dan tadii kita nonton 4bia. si Iccut bawa dvd nya.
kata dia sii sereem, dan emang kebukti, serem banget!
gw yang biasanya biasa aja kalo nonton film horor juga ampe teriak2x!

tentang film nya sendiri, di sini ada 4 cerita pendek yang emang dijamin bikin bulu ketek kuduk pada berdiri , bahkan ada yang kayang jongkok dan menari2x. LOL.
tapi paling asik tu di cerita yang ke 3, menurut gw sii.
tapi yang paling sadis tu cerita ke 2.
(komen geje : hheu..ada yang mirip si kipli)

buat yang mau nonton, di bioskop juga masi maen ko,
atau kalo maw murah bisa cari dvd nya di abang2x tukang dvd bajakan terdekat!
oia, ini film Thailand, hmm.. pasti uda nebak dong seberapa serem film ni..

besook, film apa lagii cobaaa?

posted by : ABIL.abilla

♥our lips must always be sealed

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

kmaren sore gw ga jd pulang breng ma c iyonk. tadi ny dy mw ngmong ma gw, yaa ga jadi dah.
dia masi mnta mav aj ma gw.. pdahal gw ny c uda gapapa. eh, pas gw uda d rumah, dy sms, "yank, aku uda d depan rumah".
tadi ny gw ga keluar, tp ga tau napa gw ga tega aj ma dy, palagi d luar ujan.
dan gw bner2x ngrasa salah ma dy pas liat keadaan dy ngegigil, baju basah smua.. dy msh bisa dateng ke rumah buat minta maaf..
padahal gw tau tu anak sakit2an..
dya masi bisa ky gt ya..

*iyonk : i will always love u*

posted by : ABIL.abilla

♥our lips must always be sealed

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

huwaaaw! leganyaa si iyonk ud ngabarin gw. padahal gw uda hopeless tu nunguin dy LDKS osis kagag blik2x.
dy minta mav, klo ga ngabarin. gga tw napa, gw slalu bisa mavin dy. hmmf.

*tengsoo skali lg yia bestos2x gw! gw bangga punya kalian! xP*

posted by : ABILL.abilla

♥our lips must always be sealed

Balik T.O . Cape uy ! Soal2nya amad membuat gw menangis terharu. Karena masi ada pembuat soal yang ngebuat soalnya dengan sepenuh hati, jiwa, dan raga (baca : SUSAH!).
ga ngerti dah gw. apalagi matematika. aaarrgh!
untung masi ada rekan2x waras yang kelimpungan ngajakin kerja sama. kalo yang ga ngajakin bermain curang itu gw sebut rekan tidak waras, disebabkan otak mendidih kebanyakan ngapalin rumus (baca: ORANG PINTER)

Oia.. tadi balik T.O gw ga langsung balik. Gw diem dulu d djarum, ga taw napa, ga ada tujuan. Trus tanpa sadar kaki gue membawa gw jalan dari djarum ampe extrm!
gak taw karna gw pengen lepasin semua sedih gw ato gmana, gw bener2 kaya orang gila.
gw juga baru nyadar betapa kuat nya gw saat itu. hha.
but i'll keep my smile faking. :)

*thanks to : Salman, Robi, Abut, dan semua anak waras yang tadi seruangan ama gw. Juga yang masi kontekan pake eBuddy d kelas lain..*
*special thanks to : bestos yang uda nyuruh gw pulang ke rumah. MAKASI YA !*
*buat kamu yang ntah lagi ap*

*posted by : ABIL.abilla

♥our lips must always be sealed

waaaaaaa.. jam berapa ini?
ini hari minggu, that's right!
tapi gw gak ngerti npa gw hrus panik gini ketika gw menyadari gw belum mandi,
dan malah ngutak ngatik blog !
gw..hari ini..


mana belum belajaaar!

gw mau mandi dulu ya!


♥our lips must always be sealed

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

uda pernah nonton SESAME STREET versi JALAN SESAMA ?
ha. kalo uda apa pendapat mu?
menurut gw si tu acara paling GOBLOK sedunia.
napa bisa nge judge gitu?
ceritanya gini ..

kmaren (jumat.24OKT08) gw lagi iseng nonton tivi di kelas waktu jam istirahat. barengan anag2x. ga taw napa lagi males banget jajan, trus gada kerjaan.
jadilah gw nonton tipi. program apapun gw lahap! mulai dari
i-Gossip (ge nonton nya pas uda maw tamat), si bolang (hm, ini sih rada rame), trus si unyil (najis, pengen gw bakar tu si unyil. belagu!), dan yang terakhir JALAN SESAMA a.k.a SESAME STREET (menurut gw paling goblok ni acara).

gatau emang dari sono nya gw ketinggalan nonton Sesame Street yang uda berubah jadi Jalan Sesama ato gimana, tapi ko nama2x tu boneka sableng ikut berubah juga jadi nama2 asli indonesia ya?
*for ex : boneka cewe bangsat berubah jadi PUTRI.*
ga ngerti dah gw.

terus kalo kata gw, suara si putri tu kaya suara temen gw salah seorang murid geje di kelas sebelah. namanya
Gina Siti. Mirip beudd dah !
biar sesi menghayal lo tambah nyata, ni gw kasi wujud si gina :
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oia, ada boneka buaya ijo laknat di tu acara, matanya sendu mirip temen sekelas gw, namanya
Aqma. dia excited bgt waktu gw bilang matanya mirip tu buaya ijo laknat. ampe mengucurkan air mata bahagia (BACA : KETAWA NGAKAK).

lo perhatiin ga?? kalo ga lo perhatiin dulu nih ! sambil melotot ye lo liat nya!

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ayo main tebak2an !
Q : tu rambut boneka bikin nya dari apa??

sayangnya gw baru nemu satu jawaban terbaik dan terwaras yang lagi ada d otak gw . itu adalah :

♥our lips must always be sealed

sori semua , abil bikin nya dadak. jadi blum ngepost banyak.
but i always get something to tel you guys!
jadii , terus mampir ke blog abil ni ya!


*this blog was made on Saturday, 25OCT08, 07:24 p.m

♥our lips must always be sealed